KargoWatch Artificial Intelligence (KWAI)


KWAI is the only solution using the largest supply chain data set and blockchain available for all container movements globally. Query or connect your data to increase your supply chain visibility. Track your goods dynamically. Make informed decisions to improve your facilitation across borders. Build trust and compliance with Customs. Avoid stoppages and unessessary inspections.

Track All Your Shipments in Real Time

Track your shipments beginning with the loading of the container abroad in a foreign country of origin. Follow all your shipments in real time as the container moves overland to a port or terminal operation for loading on a vessel or other conveyance. See your goods transshipped on other vessels through various ports of call. Pinpoint the exact location of your container on a ship during a voyage and on the high seas before it arrives in your country of destination. Be informed when your goods are offloaded and discharged, cleared Customs, and released from the terminal for the last mile movement to inland destinations, with arrival notification.


KWAI automatically links your cargo to the appropriate ship. In addition to using all globalized container movements data, KWAI links this data to satellite tracking for all commercial vessels globally with further aggregation to registry data for ownership, movement history, transits through straits and canals, anchorages, name changes, flag changes, casualties, crew data, inspections, schematics, capacities, and more.

Proprietary Risk Assessment using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

All shipments are risk assessed across the full spectrum of threats. This insight can help you gain trust with Customs by providing more information and insight when required to achieve regulatory compliance. Know where and when your shipments are moving in near real time with the associated risk for delays, stoppages, inspections, or detentions. Facilitate your trade with greater insight than ever before.